Boedi Widjaja

Path. 9, ))) ) ) ))

2018. Live art. Commissioned by the Asian Film Archive, State of Motion: Sejarah-ku, curated by Kamiliah Bahdar.

State of Motion 2018: Sejarah-ku explores film as a site of cultural and ideological production in the last decade of pre-independence Singapore. Reactivating snippets of Singapore’s national past, Sejarah-ku (Malay for 'my history') comprises seminal Malay-language films, and artworks made in response to them. Path. 9, ))) ) ) )) was Widjaja's response to intercultural romance Sri Menanti (1958), a site-specific spatial installation and live art at the latter's key filming location - mangrove river Sungei Serangoon.The work used the underside of a flyover as an improvised concrete theatre; and the audience experienced the sounds of a flautist performing from the opposite bank. The flyover became an acoustic environment/device, the performance took place without any other amplification. The composition used five flute tones and was based on a graphical score—a matrix of stone prints made using five stones. The graphical score is inspired by Arnold Schoenberg’s ideas on music serialism and the five tones, the pentatonic scale found in traditional Chinese, Javanese and Indian music.Video by Harry Chew. Photographs by Audrey Koh.

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